How to Stay Friends After A Breakup – Can You Do It?

How to Stay Friends After A Breakup – Can You Do It?

The basic truth will rely on what you hope to get out of it when it comes to keeping friends with your girlfriend, who is your ex-girlfriend right now. It's important to remember this will be a new relationship and not a continuation of your romance. This friendship is going to be like every other relationship that you have but without the romantic aspect. Is that a relationship built on trust and good vibes? Can you survive with a best friend when you see a possible romantic partner who isn't you? If you can be honest and realistic about these kinds of questions with your new ex-girlfriend and new friend, then, after all, you two might just have a nice friendship.

Can You Remain Friends After a Breakup?

Will it be difficult to see her, even if she is just with the rest of the guys at the pool hall? You don't have to answer that question to her, just to yourself where no one else ever will know. When it's going to be painful to see her, then you're not expected to take this step yet. In this case, which broke up with whom is meaningless. Even if you've done the dumping, you’re still feeling human. If you can't manage those with her in a nice spiritual way, then you can't cope with her being just friends.

Advice for Staying Friends After a Breakup

The best way, still, is to be a friend. Don't take away your friendship if you do away with the romantic possibilities. Offer your ex to be there, and mean it. Don't leave on breaking up again. Once you throw the gauntlet down, you need the distance, and you need to draw a line between the relationship and the friendship. There have to be restrictions. You just want to be a friend first. In return, it's the only way you'll get that coveted friendship.

Learn How to Breakup and Stay Friends Even Then

It’s a good thing to stay friends after a breakup. When you have started to date, she will be reminded of how she felt about you in the beginning. Seeing each other in relaxed environments is a good way to stay connected and provide the perfect setting for things to progress to the next level. So if you're out with your buddies and you happen to see your ex, keep your cool and relax. Take things up as they come, and remember that before they get back together again, many guys are friends with their ex. Just note, the first step may be to be friends with your ex before you get your girlfriend back!

Tips to Remaining Friends After Breakup

If you want to leave the door with your ex open to reconciliation, you need to start with an honest response for the breakup. No matter what it is, it would be easier to learn the truth than to believe a lie. The truth has a nasty habit of showing up anyway when least expected, so it's better to get it out now rather than risking a further betrayal of friendship and trust in your friendship. In this proven method of breaking up and staying friends, one final thing to note is that the best way to get anything you want is to ask for it. If you have a genuine interest in staying with friends, ask your ex to be your friend.

Is It Possible to Be Friends After a Breakup?

Can you bear to see her with another man? This is a yes-or-no question, and if you take the time to ponder the answer, you probably aren't up to live with your ex-girlfriend. Nothing is wrong with this. If you both really didn't suit and just want the happiness of each other, then it shouldn't be a biggie to see her with another man. You’re going to have a beautiful friendship in that case. If it's a biggie, then you're still not talking to your ex about a friendship. You are talking about an exclusive ongoing relationship with her because you don't want to see her with anyone else.

Can You Stay Friends After a Breakup?

Have you got over why you two broke up to start with? This is the hard one because a breakup is always painful. In any relationship, no matter what type of relationship, from friendship to family relationships to romantic relationships, the relationship may not work if you can't get over the pain that someone else caused. So if some serious infringement has occurred that has led to the relationship’s demise, you'll need to get over that before you can sustain a healthy friendship. If you can't forgive and forget about it, the relationship won't last. That is another reason why it's also important to ask yourself whether it's too soon.

Know All About Being Friends after a Relationship

She would see you in and out of there, hanging out with friends and occasionally being reminded of you. She'll see that you are satisfied and that you live well. That is definitely going to intrigue her and make her curious about how your life is now. It can prevent future awkward moments. If you see each other with friends on occasion, then a spontaneous, chance encounter would not be so awkward later. Spending time around with other friends shows maturity, and it will help you overcome the hurt of the breakup.

It helps keep things moving forward. You can just keep getting to know her. Friends know about each other all sorts of things. Knowing her favorite restaurant, bar, band, clothing brand, etc. may help later on. It can help you both forgive and forget. If you enjoy each other's company from time to time when out with other friends, she can find it difficult to recall why you've broken up at all.

Author: Adam Williams

Author: Adam Williams

Adam Williams is a recognized dating and relationship expert. Working in the field of online dating and having a degree in Psychology, Adam was always interested in helping people with their relationships. He loves seeing happy couples and felling that he was the one to help them build their happiness. Adam is always happy to share his experience and running a blog on our website.